Radhika Abhishay
Outreach Team Member

Hi, I am Radhika. I am a freshman in high school and I live in Toronto. I am a member of the outreach department and part of a couple other student-led non-profit organizations.
My aim is to become a software engineer and I know 3 different coding languages. I am also doing courses in software testing and I had made an HTML-based website for my school. Apart from that, I adore drawing; it is my life.
Whenever I feel stressed, I begin to draw. It is my passion. Along with that, Swimming is a great way to pass the time when I feel bored. Playing chess is something I like to incorporate into my day-to-day life.
When I got to know about RFTS, I absolutely adored the concept of tutoring students online and helping parents with their questions, around the world, during the pandemic when there is so much chaos going on.
Everyone in every team are really friendly and are always there to encourage and assist each other. It is an excellent way to connect with people, to help society by joining the organization and understanding how society works, and the hardships people go through and help and encourage them to grow further. And my sincere thanks to all.
3 Fun Facts:
1. I love to draw but please don’t ask me to draw you.
2. I was part of the school council 3 years straight
3. I love anime!
Reach out to me: