Who We Are
Our organization offers highly-experienced tutors to meet every student's academic needs. Our tutors are volunteers in high school or college from different places around the world! We have grade prerequisites and interviews to ensure we maintain high-quality tutoring services.
Once each tutor has been paired with a student or class, they will be notified a week or two before the program start date. Within those weeks, tutors will send a preliminary email to their student(s) to provide the basic information (introduction, the time/dates of each of the sessions, coursework, etc.) regarding the sessions.
The tutor will make a Google Classroom for the student. Tutors must CC heatherguthrie@reachfor thestarss.com, ayanaamin@reachforthestarss.com, and tutoring.reachstars@gmail.com on the preliminary email. The platforms we use to host these sessions are Zoom and Google Meets.
After tutors host their first session, they must send a follow-up email explaining how the session went to the parent of the student. Tutors will also be expected to sign a Code of Conduct after their first session.
From there on, tutors will continue to send a follow-up email after every session. They must BCC (not CC) tutoring.reachstars@gmail.com, heatherguthrie@reachfor thestarss.com, and ayanaamin@reachforthestarss.com for all contact with the parent.
If tutors cannot make a session, they must inform their students at least a day in advance! That being said, we do expect all tutors to attend every session.
Additionally, tutors are expected to send progress reports to the Reach For The Stars Tutoring Team and the parents so they can track the student's progress. More information will be communicated with tutors once they sign up!
Service Hours
Tutors will receive service hours under Reach For The Stars.
In order for Reach For The Stars to verify hours, tutors must cc heatherguthrie@reachfor thestarss.com, ayanaamin@reachforthestarss.com, and tutoring.reachstars@gmail.com in all of the follow-up emails. This is to hold tutors accountable for each session.
From there, tutors can simply enter this email (inuolababalola@reachforthestarss.org) as the verification email. Reach For The Stars logs hours through Clockify. Volunteers will receive service hours reports for each month.
How We Operate
Tutors will hold their sessions on video-conferencing platforms, such as Zoom and Google Meets. Extra assignments and assessments will be posted on Google Classroom. Class length and frequency are dependent on the student's and tutor's schedules and demands.