Hannah Oloro
Co-Head of Resources Department, Team Leader of Service Hours, Secretary
Hi! My name is Hannah Oloro, and I am the Head of Resources. I am currently a sophomore at Rolling Meadows High School, Illinois.
I am in charge of giving volunteers tasks to do so that they are able to receive community service hours for school requirements and preparing for college applications. Along with that, I am a Secretary, in charge of taking notes at department or executive meetings! I also make sure that all service reports are sent out on time each month! If you have an inquiry about service hours, I’m the one to ask!
I love RFTS because I was able to further strengthen my leadership skills, connect with people ALL over the World, and further widen my experiences for my college resume!
Anyways, when I’m not doing some Reach for the Stars task, some sports that I love are track and field and competitive swimming. I am also very passionate about my future and intend on pursuing a career as either a general surgeon or architect/civil engineer.
So far, I plan to undergo an undergrad study in biomedical engineering/ biological sciences so that I can go to medical school and become a certified surgeon. I’ll be doing a bunch of hands-on internships to make my final decision!
Some colleges I am really interested in are Northwestern University, University of Chicago, of University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, quite close to home!
3 Fun Facts:
1. I have played the clarinet since 5th grade
2. I love ice skating
3. My favorite movie is probably The hate u give, favorite book: The Turn of the Key, and tv series: Vampire Diaries of course
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