Emma Leonard
Co-Head of Publishing Department, Team Leader of Newsletter and Video Design Team Member

My name is Emma Leonard and I am a senior from upstate New York. I am the Co-Head of the Publishing Department, Team Leader of the newsletter, a tutor, and a member of the Video Design Team.
My passions are music and education. I have written music ever since I have learned to write, which then turned into cheesy poetry, and then back into songs. I hope to one day either author a book or a musical as well as work toward a degree that involves both leading and serving. My favorite classes are Anatomy and Physiology, as well as Algebra 2 and Chemistry. I also enjoy reading books from different genres. My favorite book is Wuthering Heights.
I joined Reach For The Stars as a tutor; I wanted a new experience and needed the service hours as well as an activity for my college application. I did not know about the amount of joy tutoring has to offer. The parents and students are very appreciative and motivated to learn. I decided to stay with RFTS because of the amazing friends I have made. Zia, Team Leader of Blogging, Krysta Reveche, Co-Head of Publishing, and Inuola, the Founder of RFTS. These people are the reason I decided to become more involved. I then discovered Publishing, newsletters lies within this category, and Video Design. RFTS encouraged me to explore my interests. Journalism, Teaching, Pharmacy, English, and Optometry, are a few of the majors that have caught my attention.
Reach For The Stars is one of the most welcoming and educational experiences of my life!
3 Fun Facts:
1. I created a club called Creative Activism where we discuss social injustices while expressing our opinions through art
2. I have been in five musicals
3. I know how to play the basic ukulele, guitar, piano, and clarinet.
Reach out to me: