Danielle Moses
Tutoring Team Member

Hey! My name is Danielle Moses, and I am currently a Junior at Maryland. I work with the Tutoring Team and have been with Reach For the Stars for a long time. I enjoy volunteering and appreciate the opportunity to help out the less fortunate. I believe that tutoring can open gateways for different paths for the students and tutors. Working and helping someone rewards both parties involved, and I want to continue helping in any way that I can for as long as I can.
In the future, I hope to become a Doctor, more specifically, dive into the surgery field because I love the hands-on aspect of the career path. The medical field has always been an exciting field that I have been interested in ever since I was young.
When I am not volunteering or doing school work, I love to bake and watch shows for leisure. I also enjoy playing video games to relax.
3 Fun Facts:
1. I know sign language
2. I enjoy watching anime
3. I also play field hockey
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