Caroline Kenney
HR Team Member and Interview Board Member

Hello, my name is Caroline Kenney, and I am a member of the Human Resources Team and Interview Board at Reach for the Stars! I am from Kingston, New York, but I am currently a high school junior in North Carolina.
As an HR member, my role is to build resources to assist all the departments, create new ideas and programs, and find ways to improve the organization. I joined RFTS to gain experience and create a positive educational environment for all kids to be the best version of themselves.
RFTS provides an outlet for children to express themselves and use their knowledge in unique, incredible ways. Throughout my time here, I am grateful to have met so many amazing people from all corners of the world who are not only determined and supportive but have made me a better individual in the process. I highly encourage you to join RFTS because it allows you to step out of your comfort zone, meet new people, and use your abilities to make someone’s day better. It’s an incredible way to gain experience and learn more about yourself!
Growing up learning Spanish, I was inspired to expand into ASL and Italian, creating my language enthusiasm. In my free time, I love to discover the behind-the-scenes aspects of movies, spend time with my family, and explore new places. In the future, I hope to continue my love for travel, especially in the UK!
3 Fun Facts:
1. I love going on full-day excursions with my family!
2. I volunteered at my local YMCA’s Nursery Center until COVID-19, and I really miss working with kids.
3. I have family in France, New York, Canada, and Colombia.
Reach out to me: