Ayana Amin
Team Leader of Tutoring Department

Hi! My name is Ayana Amin, and I am a junior in high school from New Jersey. I have been a part of Reach For The Stars since August, and, currently, I am the Tutoring Team Leader.
When I am not on the tennis court, I love to do things with my friends. Whether it be getting coffee, going to lunch, or just driving around town with the music on, I never fail to have a good time.
Being a student during the pandemic, one of the most challenging things is online learning. That being said, last summer, I was looking for a community-friendly organization that caters to students who might need a little extra help during these unprecedented times. That is when I came across Reach For the Stars. After reading about their mission, I knew that this organization was something I wanted to be a part of.
After volunteering with this organization for the past four+ months, I can say that I have met some of the most relatable, compassionate, and funniest people ever. From the zoom meetings to the texts over slack, I am so happy that I have been able to volunteer and become friends with people from all around the world. If I have learned one thing during my time at RFTS, it would be important communication. With good communication, the tutoring team and I have become more productive and closer as a group. I can’t wait to continue working with this organization and reach more generous limits.
3 Fun Facts:
1. I am a certified scuba diver.
2. I love fresh bagels.
3. My favorite tv show is Gossip Girl.
Reach out to me: