Ashika Desai
Programs Team Member

Hi! My name is Ashika Desai. I am 15 years old, and I live in Ohio. I am currently a freshman in high school. I hope to either pursue a career in biomedical engineering or medicine.
I enjoy participating in various school clubs and sports, such as Destination Imagination and tennis. In addition, I love to read, volunteer, and play the piano in my free time.
Currently, I am a member of the Programs Team for Reach for the Stars. Some of the things that we do include planning and suggesting events for RFTS, such as the Summer Camp. While volunteering at Reach for the Stars, I have gained an abundance of knowledge. I have worked on skills like organization, time management, and communication skills.
At RFTS, I can do the things I love, while also volunteering and making an impact. The RFTS community is very friendly and welcoming, and I am fortunate to be part of such a great organization.
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