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Winter Lockdown


Written by: Alexandria Redd

Date: December 2020

Believe it or not, most of the nation is locking down again. With cases on the rise, most of our time this winter will be spent indoors, in comparison to our normal winters spent with friends, family, classmates, and filled with extracurricular activities. If your youngster is just entering school, they might not have had the chance to take advantage of any of these opportunities, and are now simply going about a school year meant to be filled with friendship and new experiences... in the house.

These are some of your child's most formative years, and the skills and

hobbies they pick up now may last a lifetime. Despite our predicament, not all is lost. Here's how you can help your child find their "niche", and foster it, even in the midst of


The "Write It Down" Method

Ask your child to get a pencil and a paper. If they are unable to write yet, ask them to tell you everything they like about themselves, and write it down for them. Once you have a complete list, think about activities that correlate to those things. For example, if your child puts "athletics", create a side-list and compile athletic sports and activities that also line up with their other characteristics and likings.

The "Try It Out" Method

Listen to your child and observe their interests. Then, select a month, and create a schedule for it. For this entire month, try a new activity every weekend that your child has expressed interest in. Take them to watch Little League, visit the animal shelter, or even bake with them! Before you know it, you'll find your child's "thing"... or multiple! Hopefully, these few, yet impactful, methods aid you in your search for your child's new hobby, sport, or activity. Sticking with these

activities aren't only healthy and beneficial for your child, but before you know it will be stunning college admissions officers with their dedication and skill.

Good luck everyone!


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