Written by: Yara Abuaish
Edited by: Krysta
People living in underdeveloped countries have ten years less to live compared to developed country citizens. These issues are precisely what the UN's Good Health and Well-being strive to resolve; this goal is one of many crucial aspects concerning the sustainable development plan. Their objective is to provide healthy lives and well-being for all ages. The UN Good Health and Well-being seek attention due to its importance, progress, and needed support.
Firstly, this goal is very vital, as the need for wellness and good health is the foundation for our future developing societies. Over six million children under the age of five die each year; nonetheless, the UN has made a considerable change, yet this issue still requires utmost attention. For example, in unprivileged nations, 94% of women die during birth. Also, epidemics like HIV or AIDS struggle with fear and discrimination as they have a limited ability to seek medical services to fulfill healthy lives. In addition, being provided with good health and well-being is a human right within itself, which is why The Sustainable Development Plan aims to provide all with the highest standard of health care regardless of social status.
Moreover, the progression before the global pandemic was astounding, The UN was able to eradicate many fatal diseases associated with maternal mortality and children. However, more effort is needed to combat these issues, especially during COVID-19; in addition, this global crisis shows how significant preparation is. Further, the UN has spent many funds however, the cost of inaction is greater; millions of people will continue to die from treatable illnesses, like pregnancy risks or childbirth, and the health care cost will continue to increase causing the economy to sink to poverty. Furthermore, Good health and well-being have changed millions of people's lives, 15.6 million deaths were prevented due to the measles vaccine. Nonetheless, true progression will be to provide all with affordable and quality health care.
Lastly, support for this goal is necessary for our present and future wellness. To start, make sure to promote and practice good health and wellness within your own life and those around you by making healthy choices. Next, try to spread information and awareness to communities and project the importance of good health and the right to quality healthcare services. Also, take action within clubs, schools, and organizations to advocate for good health for all, especially those underprivileged. You may also hold leaders and decision-makers accountable to make health and wellness a priority and fulfill their commitment to better health care. Finally, explore and educate yourself about these issues.
